Fire Pump & Controller Parts

Automatic Air Release Valve
Casing Relief Valve
Main Relief Valve & Waste Cone
Altitude Valve
Pressure Reducing Valve
Suction Control Valve
Fuel Tank & trim
Fuel Containment Basin
Jockey Pump
Pump Controllers
Remote Alarm Panel
Pressure Tank & Compressor
Water Storage Tank
Repack Kit Containing:
Lantern Rings
Packing Rings
Clips: Packing Gland
Bolts: Packing Gland
Nuts: Packing Gland Bolt
Studs: Gland Bolt Retaining
Nuts: Gland Bolt Retaining Studs
Casing Gaskets
Minor Repair Kit Containing:
Deflectors: Inboard & Outboard
Ball Bearings: Inboard & Outboard
Flat Ring Gaskets: Bearing Housing
Lip Seals: Bearing Housing; Inboard & Outboard
Snap Ring: Outboard Bearing Retaining
Repack Kit (included per above)
Major Repair Kit Containing:
Casing Rings
Shaft sleeve, RH or LH
Packing Glands
O-Ring: Shaft Sleeve
Stuffing Box Bushings
Square Keys: Impeller & Coupling
Dowel Pins: Case Ring
Set Screws: Shaft Sleeve
End Cover: Outboard Bearing Housing
Minor Repair & Repack Kits (included per above)
Rotating Element Kit Containing:
Bronze Impeller (trimmed to required diameter)
Steel Shaft
Major & Minor Repair, and Repack Kits (included per above).
Factory Pre-Packaged Repair Kits
A-C Fire Pump (ITT industries/Xylem)
Fairbanks Morse
Worthington (complete pump replacement)
MTH Pumps
Grundfos Pumps
Joslyn Clark
Fire Pump Parts
Replacement Fire Pump & Jockey Pump Controllers
Pump Accessories
Complete unit to match motor and piping